2024 Thoughts

random thoughts I’m having about my art lately…

Being a mixed media artist, my interests are varied. Sometimes I’m in the mood to paint a mural or paint on canvas, and other times I crave sculpting in clay. There are other art forms I create but these are the main ones. I really just go with the inspiration of the day. Switching up mediums usually isn’t a problem for me but lately I’m feeling that switching up mediums isn’t working.

Although I enjoy the flexibility I have working in my studio, I have a concern that I’m switching mediums as a way to procrastinate on a project that I truly want to accomplish.

Let me explain, I’ve had a goal over the last several years to complete a larger body of work. A “collection” of 10-20 pieces. The number may not seem very large but the amount of work that will need to go into the creative process of research, sketching/prototyping, sculpting, mold making, casting the pieces, finishing, photographing, sharing, promoting, etc. It will be a very large undertaking for me. But I am done putting it off. I am committing to getting it done this year.

The reason I’m mentioning it here is for accountability and to simplify my 2024 art projects. I do plan to paint another large metal butterfly for the Colorado Springs rotary fundraiser to be auctioned off, and I have a private painting commission I’ve promised that I’ll be starting soon but I am making the “collection” project my main priority for the entire year. I need to prove to myself that I can stick with this and see it through to the end.

To jumpstart the project, I’m considering a 30 day challenge for myself. I think it would help me get out of my head and out of my own way. I don’t have the challenge all fleshed out yet but I imagine it will start with a list of words or prompts related to the designs I’d like to create.

(thinking outloud) I could pull one word daily from the full list. Using the prompt to create sketches or ideas of how I imagine the sculpt to look. I would have time each day to do a little research and pull references to work from.

At the end of the 30 days, maybe I could look at my sketched results and pull the strongest design ideas to start sculpting the designs. I’d prefer to work on several sculpts at a time, so having the sketches done ahead of time should be helpful.

If you’ve ever gone through a process like this, I’d love to know how you worked through creating a collection.


Portrait Painting


Creating a Mixed Media Garden Butterfly for Colorado Springs Rotary Club Fundraiser